March 02, 2021

Why should kids be allowed to go back to school?

 Why should kids be allowed to go back to school? That is the million-dollar question. Well, let me tell my perspective as a student.

First things first, let’s talk about the basics: Learning. It's harder to learn online because students have to be sitting all the time. Noises at home can cause distractions. Sometimes there's a lack of a good internet connection, or there may be problems with the device. To be honest, sometimes kids need help, and they don't always have an adult that can help them.

Kids don’t just learn from their teachers, they also learn from each other. By interacting and collaborating, making projects together, class discussions, playing games, and working in small groups, children make learning meaningful. 

The school is filled with people who support their learning process. A teacher nearby is a helping hand. They help students learn, maintain order in the classroom and answer questions when needed. Children establish emotional connections with their teachers in their everyday life.

Not only academics are learned at school, kids also develop their social, and emotional skills. So not having face-to-face interactions, can cause a lifelong effect on kids.

The school psychologist provides assistance when emotional help is needed. They do that by talking to students about their concerns and doubts. Children at school can always contact them if they are feeling sad or if they need advice. 

In reality, the whole school staff are lifesavers because they help whenever is necessary. 

School is a vital part of a kid's routine. Students who are not going to school are missing out on contact with their teachers, friends, from participating in school activities, and school clubs. By not attending school they are also missing out on special dates that they celebrate together, like Christmas, where students usually perform on a show, or Valentine’s Day, where they share messages of friendship and love with each other.

A school is a place where kids can exercise. In school kids have clubs that keep them active like ballet, volleyball, Tae-Kwon-Do, chess, football and other sports which provide flexibility, fitness, concentration, self-control, and endurance.

For most kids, one of the best parts of school is lunchtime. During lunch, they can play traditional games or create their own ones. They can play sports or sit down on the field to enjoy the match, or just talk to friends. Kids need these interactions to grow and develop social skills. 

Health experts, school officials, and teachers are all working hard so the school is as safe as possible while open. To help prevent the virus from spreading, school limits class sizes, and while learning in-person it will be mandatory for kids and teachers to wear masks and maintain social distance. 

According to several studies, kids are less likely to get COVID-19 than adults. If the kids do get the virus, it is most likely that they will suffer mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. 

To prevent the virus from spreading, in and out of school, here are some good practices: 

  • Washing hands and cleaning surfaces often.
  • Wearing masks or cloth face coverings.
  • Keeping kids spaced apart (distance or 2 meters)
  • Staggered schedules.
  • Grouping the same students and teachers together throughout the school day.

Overall, kids should go back to school because it benefits them not only educationally, but also emotionally. Also, there is not that big of a risk because they are less likely to get Covid-19. By keeping a safe distance, wearing a mask and respecting protocols, children can still enjoy school safely. 

School is a big part of a kid’s life, so don’t let them miss out on their second home. 

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”

Malcolm X

Written by Paula Carrero
5th Grade Student


  1. I think we should go but not all the days.

  2. We actually like should go not going to lie.

  3. Yea I agree really support this

  4. Paula this is a very engaging and convincing article, well done! The social and emotional development of each student is a big part of the educational experience. These aspects are easier to develop when in school interacting with others on a daily basis as you stated. You make some strong arguments and I am definitely looking forward to safely welcoming back students to campus!
