Covid-19, the topic everyone is talking about. The Global pandemic has everyone stuck at home desperately wanting to leave. The virus originally from the country of China has us all waiting for our freedom. Freedom from whom you may ask? Well, from the feeling of worry. We are all worried about our health as well as others, including our family and friends. Even though our world may not seem in the best form from its first sight, if you look closer you might notice how it’s changing. How this pandemic is affecting and reducing the negative effects that mankind has brought to the world that lives around us. Pollution and contamination are included in these things that we as humans have struggled in an attempt at fixing for the past decade or so. So let us discuss these events that we have successfully put aside.
Let’s start simple, the infamous canals located in Venice which is most commonly known for its muddy waters that glide throughout this island. Gondolas travel these waters and are used as a tourist attraction as well as a means of transportation. Since the quarantine started, this has stopped due to the fact that people were trying to come out of their homes as least as possible. Within a matter of weeks, the usually murky waters of the Venice canals were almost crystal clear. This is caused because of the lack of movement in the waters. The gondolas used to stir up sediment leaving the waters no choice but to look polluted and unkempt. Now, since the sediment has settled down and the amount of pollution was reduced, these waters are healthy. Even dolphins were sighted returning after leaving Venice for a long time due to the heavy amount of pollution.
Matter of factly, wild animals have been spotted returning to their original habitats just like the dolphins in Venice. A species of turtle that used to be considered extinct was only in hiding. The Leatherback sea turtle was spotted laying eggs on a beach owned by a luxury resort located in Cancun. Not only was this species considered to be extinct but it was also seen laying eggs earlier than most turtles, which live near that area, do. Also, Humpback whales return to Hawaii after leaving for what was believed to be migration. After leaving Hawaii for their annual migration, this pod decided to make the return absent for the next two years. Eventually, they returned due to the calmness of this newly changed environment.
One of the more important impacts that COVID has brought to us is the reduction of air pollution. Places like the UK, Paris, China, Madrid, and Milan have seen the wonders that staying at home has done to the air surrounding us. In fact, In China, the pollution percentage has gone down 25% because of the lack of vehicles being used and factories releasing carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, in Europe, there has been a drop in the average level of nitrogen dioxide compared to last year’s average.
Therefore, cleaner air and water have caused plants to grow faster and stronger. This is also able to happen because of the lack of human interference in this natural process. This means that plants are now allowed to thrive and help nature grow healthier. In addition, less litter means that there is less amount of trash for animals to suffocate on or digest.
In conclusion, the virus known as Covid-19 has caused all these events to happen. This means growth in our community and a great learning experience that we are all able to enjoy.
We have to appreciate everything we have, especially in these moments where everything is threatened to be taken away from us. Our world is changing in a way that may not seem to be the best at the moment. But, after all, as George Bernard Shaw once said “Progress is impossible without change”.
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