A writer's responsibility is to captivate readers with words. Vignettes, or poetical snapshots of life, are literary devices that engage us in a narrative. Vignettes take a brief break from the action to focus in on a certain person, idea, or location. Vignettes are used by authors to illuminate details that are hidden from view in the main action of a novel. The word 'vignette' is a french word that means "little vine," and just like vines do, vignettes tangle the reader into visualizing a character, a place or a moment within the story.
Our 9th graders studied this literary device and used nature as an inspiration to write their own. We hope you enjoy them.
Describe a Rock
By: Isabella Mireles Taveras
A blemished, undefined structure. Rocks are idiosyncratic organisms, like individuals in a society, the members of a neglected cluster. Some with sharp corners, with abrupt bodies, filled with stiff wrinkles. Whilst others with smooth faces, with subtle, silky exteriors. Rocks are like people and people are like rocks. They are the taste of Earth’s roots, Earth’s soil, Earth’s life. They possess the Earthy scent they adapt to their surroundings. Determining their absolute taste is a doubtful subject, the same way identifying who people truly are is a challenge. Rocks, rocks have the scent of experience, the perfume of change.
There are two types of rocks, those that produce a gentle melody when they are rubbed with one another, who have a briny perfume acquired from the seashore, the ones children want their mothers to carry throughout their trip. The ones who produce a choir on the beach’s shore and have undefined tones and colors on their bodies. However, there also exist the ones whose body takes revenge by opening a segment of people's feet whilst on a hot, summer afternoon. The coarse entities both inside and out, are commonly a shade of lacking color and create an earsplitting sound when thrown. These are the ones with an ashy taste of dust and a grainy texture all throughout their composition.
Despite their differences, admiration for both is sustainable, yet people forget rocks are like people and people are like rocks. Their uniqueness is where their beauty is found, and their beauty is found in their uniqueness. Society attempts to go by this, but somehow is still unable to carry everyone, the same way rocks with jagged sides are left behind because the mother warned the child about taking that one. These are the rocks with the flavor of the chalks left on sidewalks by children on a summer afternoon.
Nature Vignette
by Gael Cohn
The mountain stood proudly, its zenith daring others to approach it. Staring at it was like staring at the bottom of the sea. Infinite, inexhaustible, crossing it would be a mistake. I inched closer, while the feel of life in my skin left me, the mountain’s overbearing presence drowning out everything else. Rocks started crashing angrily around me, discouraging me from continuing. Oppression, unsurmountable and taller than life, raced out of everything and stabbed at my soul, leaving a faint taste of despair on the way. The air reeked of humidity and fear, and what it meant was clear. Clear was the message of the mountain, the hardships I would face. Clear were the toils suffered on the road to enlightenment.
By Alexandra Castillo
As the Sun awoke, so did they. Extending and blossoming. Leaving a sense of tranquility. Vines were dominating. They claimed their property by imprinting every hollow crevice on the walls. They now lay before me. My gaze fixed on them. The somewhat harsh wind brushed through them, creating a soft rustling sound. I couldn’t help but notice how this dispersed a fragrant aroma in the air, I could almost taste it. Dry leaves that once lived were blown away, gradually descending. I felt every vein as I reached down and grabbed the now perished leaf. Its rustic feel brushed against my fingertips, leaving a sand-like sensation. I then let it go, concluding its cycle.
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