February 28, 2022


I'm sure that at this point you’ve heard about Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, or Bill Gates... Good, let’s start by just saying that these are all entrepreneurs. And they started in their garage. You might be asking, what is entrepreneurship all about? Starting a business is the best example of it, but I've realized that real entrepreneurship is actually an ATTITUDE to LIFE.

Entrepreneurship by definition is "the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit." It is a very modern and versatile way of having a work future ensured. In fact, 582 million people in the world (approximately) want to be involved in the entrepreneurship business. That’s about 18.7%  of Earth’s population. 

For college career options, Business Administration would be the best choice for Entrepreneurship. Why? Because to be an entrepreneur, you have to know how to start your business, what it's gonna be about, and of course how to manage it correctly and in a way that does not fail. However, like anything in life, it is all about how you swim around uncertainty, take risks and learn from mistakes that will keep your business afloat. Entrepreneurs are DOERS.

You also have to keep in mind that in order to stand out from the crowd, you need to create something new and original (so people don't think “Oh that's a copy of…”) Thinking of an innovative idea is a key step before starting your business: How can you make something that already exists, better? How can you create the need for something that can make lives easier, or processes faster? How can you create something completely new, and make people buy it? How can you make your product stand out from the competition? How could people like your product more? How will you deal with competition?

Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of effort and dedication. But all that work and dedication can ensure you a future in which you can be successful, and enjoy what you do. This tendency, which is gaining more popularity and regularity every day, can provide you economical stability if your business is liked, supported and successful. 

Rodrigo Linera
6th Grade

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