November 29, 2021


"Ohana means family. Family means no one is left behind". This is one of my favorite quotes about family. It's the one that I always remember deep in my head when I'm with them. And it just makes me happy.  Family is one of the things in life that we must treasure the most. Without it, we are nothing. 

Family can sometimes be annoying, or they can drive you crazy, but just remember that they just want what's best for you. No matter what, they support you. No matter how hard you scream at them, no matter how mean you are to them, they will always love you and be grateful for you, because at the end of the day they are YOUR family, and like they say "Family is forever". 

To be completely honest, family is one of the most flexible terms you might ever see. Why? Because it's really hard to standardize it. Family doesn't have to be blood-related and doesn't have to do much with your DNA. Family is the people closest to you, that no matter how mad you get at them you will always love them. Family is also the people you choose. There are many movies that talk about this concept, and they are right! In the real world, my friends are my own little family, and no matter how mad I get at them or them at me, we always stick together.

Since family is such a personal concept, I decided to ask around the school what the word "Family" meant to them. Here is what they think:
"For me family is my blessing, a gift from God. It's where we can build love, values, and strength to live every day. It's the first unit that supports society. Families are not perfect, but it's the first place we can learn how to love and respect others, and practice empathy, tolerance and acceptance. Every member of the family has the right to feel embraced but also the responsibility to encourage and support the other members". Mrs. Karina Castillo
"I believe a family is a group of people who you feel safe with. A group of people in which you can be entirely yourself without judgment. A group of people where you can joke around, laugh together, cry together, and be there for each other in the good times and not-so-good times. I believe a family is a group of people who love one another and who are able to enjoy time together even when they are doing absolutely nothing. I believe a family is a group of people who are able to communicate with you. Lastly, I believe a family is a group of people who make you feel loved and happy". Isabela Taveras, 8th grade
"Family is the people that I love and support me in everything, people who surround me".  Alana Garcia, 7th grade

"I believe that family are the people that love you, respect, and care about you. I think that family is not necessarily blood-related to you. My family are my brothers and sisters and my mom and dad, but also my friends." Daniella Garcia, 7th grade.

"Family is a group of people that you can count on and it's formed by people that love you. Not every family has to be blood-related, it can be made by people who you trust and love". Avril Velez, 7th grade

"Family is home to me. My family is everything; I rely on them when I need to and they're basically my shoulder to cry on. I honestly don't know what I'd do without their unconditional love and support". Gabriela Garcia, 12th Grade

"I believe family is support. The people who are around you and are always willing to have your back. I also believe family is more than a disposition but a feeling. As biological family exists you can also call someone who isn’t related to you your family. Is merely a place where you can find comfort and peace with people who are affectionate towards you". Yoira González ,11th grade

"Family is the supportive lifeline that provides us with our basic needs as humans and teaches us the social norms of our culture". Mrs.  Edith Fadul

"A family is a place where to live, is what humans call home. Family is the bond of the society and what makes you feel happy". Joshua Sanchez, 7th grade

"I believe a family is a group of people that share memories, experiences and love each other".  Lucas Ostropolsky, 9th grade

In conclusion, family is the greatest treasure in life and we must take care of it, value any possible second with them, and always be kind. Remember that they will always be there, and love you, no matter what.

By Maria Alejandra Ramirez
7th grader

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