“The Torch” is an initiative from MCS’s Library, where students count with a space to display their thoughts, feelings, knowledge and ideas, as well as, their opinions on topics of interest for the school community. We believe school leadership and communication among stakeholders is key in these moments, and at all times. This is an open space for all members of the school community to share. As members, we pass along "The Torch" to the next writer, to keep its flame on.
November 29, 2021
November 24, 2021
Thanksgiving facts You May not Know
We all know the real story behind Thanksgiving. In the year 1621, Pilgrims left England and traveled to America in search of religious freedom. They created a town called Plymouth and suffered a harsh winter, famine, and sicknesses. The Wampanoag tribe, a group of Natives, helped them survive and taught them how to plant crops such as squash and corn, hunt, and fish. In gratitude, both Pilgrims and Natives shared a feast, thanking God for their new life.
Thanksgiving is a holiday to celebrate gratitude. We thank God for everything he has given us: our home, family, our friends, school, health, our hands, and for creating us.
The Thanksgiving Celebration is a very American thing, so here I present you with 10 facts that you might not know about Thanksgiving:
1- The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621., over a three-day harvest festival. It included 50 Pilgrims, 90 Wampanoag Indians, and lasted three days. It is believed by historians that only five women were present.
2- On every Thanksgiving, the president of the USA pardons a turkey.
3- The Macy's Store has put on a parade every Thanksgiving since 1924.
4- Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year,
5- The Thanksgiving dinner has not changed a lot over the years.
6- The Americans eat a lot of turkeys. (Did you know that the first Thanksgiving dinner was celebrated with Venison, duck, goose, oysters, lobster, eel, and fish instead of turkey?)
7- The cranberries are just a side dish.
8- There is an official Thanksgiving postage stamp.
9- The wishbone tradition is a lot older than Thanksgiving.
10- Watching football is a central part of most thanksgiving celebrations. The tradition of football on Thanksgiving began in 1876 with a game between Yale and Princeton. The first NFL games were played on Thanksgiving in 1920.
Thanksgiving is more than the holiday and food. The true meaning of Thanksgiving is to give thanks to all the people around the world, our family, our friends, and to God. Take time to appreciate your blessings. They are many when you start paying attention.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
November 19, 2021
Simple Steps to Practice Self- Care
Everyone is busy right? We have work, school, homework, etc. People usually go through a lot of things on a daily basis. It should even be a scientific fact that everyone gets stressed about their daily lives. It's really hard, some people need therapy because of it, and usually, it is caused because they don't really take care of themselves. They just work, and work, and work, until they are just tired and go to bed. Some people don't even sleep. This is usually caused by stress and anxiety.
One way to prevent this is to take care of yourself. It's hard since we are usually very busy, but sometimes we just have to push everything away and think about ourselves. How are we feeling, it is probably a good time to take a break, right? I know it's hard. I also struggle with school and taking care of myself, but you have to just take a moment, relax, do something fun, or read a book.
Today I want to present you 5 simple steps that can help you start caring for yourself. Think of it as a "guru's guide to self-care."
Pick a day to take care of yourself: I usually pick Fridays since they are the most chill days for me and I struggle the least, and teachers at school mainly don't give us too much homework.
Clear your schedule: What I mean with this is to see what you have to do that day and push it for another day. Sometimes you just have to prioritize yourself and your mental health.
Do whatever YOU want to do: It is very important that you do what YOU want to do, not what the internet tells you to do, not what your friends or family tell you to do. Think of what you feel like doing that will make you happy.
Take a break from the world: Tell Your family and friends that you are going to be offline for a while, that you need a moment for yourself to think, relax, and have a good time with yourself.
Disconnect from electronic devices: Sometimes while we are resting and swiping through the internet, we think we are relaxed. We couldn't be more wrong. The amount of information we process in 10 minutes with our phone or TV is ginormous. Don't believe me? Take a detox... spend a day without devices and you will notice how your mind is clearer and you feel more rested.
I know that you might think this is selfish, that you need to do work and school, and be with friends, and family... but, how are you going to work and take care of your loved ones if you are not in good physical and mental health yourself? Trust me, I know how hard this might be to hear but NOBODY SHOULD EVER CARE FOR YOUR WELL BEING MORE THAN YOU. Now, if you don't... who is going to do it?
November 12, 2021
Malala, Education and the Taliban in Pakistan
In Pakistan Somehow life continued despite the bomb blasts and killing. The school remained a haven from the insanity of a city in the middle of a war. There was a whole war between Swat and the Taliban. Now that the Taliban took control over Pakistan it was a lot different. A regular girl like Malala Yousafzai was in this situation. Malala Yousafzai was a Pakistani Girl who had a different opinion than the Taliban's. She thinks girls and boys should be treated equally and she Also thinks girls should have the option to go to school. The Taliban said that girls should not go to school and they should stay in their house cleaning or taking care of their children.
Going to school for girls in Pakistan was difficult. You didn't know if your school was a safe space. There have been a lot of cases about schools for girls being bombed in Pakistan. It was so difficult that Malala heard that the Taliban destroyed a Primary school for girls. Malala prayed for her school and her valley. She also prayed for the violence to stop.
In 2008 alone, the Taliban bombed two hundred schools. Suicide bombing and targeted killing were a regular occurrence. A lot of daughters and sisters were prevented from going to school. During Ramadan, some people didn't have power or gas because the Taliban had blasted the electricity grid and the gas line.
Madam Maryam and Malala's Father worked with her and her friends on essays and speeches in which they expressed their feelings about the Taliban's campaign to destroy girls' schools and about what their school meant to them. They planned an assembly where they would make their speeches they called it a "peace rally".
On the day of the assembly, a Pashto TV crew arrived at their school. They were all excited and surprised because they thought people wouldn't care about what a group of girls had to say about peace. Some girls were nervous, but Malala had given a few interviews before, and it was more comfortable in front of a camera.
Malala knew that it was an important opportunity to spread her message of peace and education. As soon as they put a microphone in front of her, words came out sure and steady, strong and proud “This is not the Stone Age “, she said. “But it feels like we are going backward. Girls are getting more deprived of their rights." She spoke about how much she loved her school and about how important it was to keep learning.
Living in Pakistan is difficult and other countries should help solve the problem. We hope this war in Pakistan with the Taliban ends, and that girls have the same rights as boys. People need to make a change if they want to stop the problem. Malala is a clear example of changes you can make, even if you are young.
Note from the editor:
Malala was shot by the Taliban in 2012. The Islamic fundamentalist group ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until the U.S.-led invasion in 2001. The Taliban returned to power in 2021 after regrouping in Pakistan and waging an insurgency against the U.S.-backed government in Kabul. Since then, the region has been simmering for months with threats, tension, and violence. Girls are being forced to leave schools, and woman to leave their jobs. Many Pakistani who do not agree with the Taliban regime have had to flee the country and become immigrants somewhere else, searching for security and safety.
November 01, 2021
How does psychological trauma work in the human brain?
Trauma is a really important thing you should be aware of. This can be really bad for your mental stability. This is why I am going to talk to you about this topic: Because it matters!
When you experience psychological trauma, you can have various symptoms like stressing out really easily. Other symptoms could be:
Difficult to concentrate
Feeling sad
Feeling hopeless
Feeling disconnected
Feeling numb
Mood swings
Psychological trauma is caused by a really bad, scary, or stressful event or events. When this happens your brain has an injury where the trauma begins. This affects the brain in a way that might make you do things that you don't really want to do. This can also make you aggressive and hit someone accidentally. Stress and anger can make you react in a very aggressive or bad way.
There are times where you can feel sad or hopeless for just an argument or something you did wrong. I mean that it is not bad to feel sad, but the thing is that it is so sad that you are hopeless or depressed.
Another example is when you have anxiety, for tests or even just homework. When you get scared you can feel kind of suffocated.
Trauma is something that you should be concerned about if someone you love has it because one in six people continue to have episodes or reactions after 6 months of treatment, so this can change your life.
You should be careful about psychological trauma because this can affect the way you see the world. It’s sad that people have tried to avoid this but there are some situations where it gets out of control.
If someone you know has psychological trauma or you suspect that that person has been through hard times, you should listen to them without judging them, and ask them to look for a therapist. If the person that has physical trauma is a child, then you should request for them to speak with a trusted adult so they can guide them.
You can have memory loss if you have physiological trauma. Kids can have really bad memories loss. When children have psychological trauma they often have difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions, they also have difficulty in managing emotions.
Physical trauma can affect kids or adults in different ways. Some of them are fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and avoiding emotions, sensations, fear that sometimes isn't real, or activities that have to do with physical trauma.
In conclusion, you should take into account the reactions and the possibilities of the trauma and always have it in mind if something happens.