October 20, 2021

Follow your Passions

                                                                    Photo credits: www.pixabay.com

Have you ever stopped to think about what are you passionate about?  How can finding what you are passionate about helps you choose your future job or career? Is following your passion enough to be happy? Why is it important?

A passion is a strong desire for something. It means to explore areas that spark your interest, developing your skills in a specific area and to use these skills to contribute to something that is beyond yourself.

You can be passionate about animals, hobbies, art, uplifting others, learning, simple things, health and fitness, entrepreneurship, making a better society, teaching, your faith, taking action and life in general.

But, what does it mean to follow your passion? It simply means to find what you love, and explore how can you include it in your daily life. Focusing on your passion will make you wake up every day, feeling excited about life.

It helps you to relate to your work and career with a positive attitude. You come up with better ideas and also learn and improve in the field of your choice.  Following your passion will additionally help you build a stronger career for your future.

You can be passionate about multiple things. The more things you find that spark your interest, the better human being you will be, plus, if you ever feel you need a change, you will always be able to discover a new passion.

Passion is the fuel that brings the greatest results in life. Are you willing to take the risks and never give up on those things you dream about?  Never let others stop you from achieving what you are passionate about.

Like Mary Forleo once said, "You can't find your passion in your head." Your passions come from deep inside your heart. Identifying your passion will help you reach your full potential in life. Spending life doing what you love will help you be happier, more motivated and achieve goals easier.

"People with great passions make the impossible happen."

Carlos Graveley Carlo
6th Grader

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