May 13, 2021

Inspirational Quotes That Motivate Me

Have you ever read a phrase that really struck you and changed your perspective on things? Inspirational quotes are phrases that motivate people to do something or change the way they act or feel about a certain situation. Usually, quotes help people see the world from a different perspective. They are very famous because probably someone famous said them first, and they are just a sentence, so they are useful since (let's be honest here) this generation doesn't like to read a lot.

These are 3 quotes that inspire me and this is why.

1- “ The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” - Dolly Parton- 

Dolly Parton is an author, singer, actress, and more. What she meant by saying this is that if you want good things to happen you can't avoid the bad ones, in this quote she used rainbows as a good symbol and rain as the bad one. I get motivated or inspired by this quote because it makes me feel that even when situations that I don’t enjoy happen, I can still look at them and find something positive.

2- “Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.” - Edwin Louis Cole- 

Edwin Louis Cole was a preacher whose words have inspired many people. What he means is pretty clear but I’m still going to explain it. We all think people who win are perfect, but let me tell you something: NOBODY,  not a single body on this Earth is perfect and this preacher is trying to explain that. He says that people who win fail lots of times, but they never give up. That is why they are true winners.

3- “If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be.” -Maya Angelou-

Maya Angelou was a famous poet. What she meant here was that every time we try to be “normal”  we never realize how great we actually are. This quote helps me get up and be my true self instead of someone else. We are all amazing just the way you are and we need to start noticing this.

There you have it! I gave you three wonderful quotes to get inspired by today. Which are YOUR favorite quotes? How do they inspire you to be a better person, or face difficulties? Share your quotes in the comments!

Written by Maria Alejandra Vasquez
5th Grader

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