December 17, 2020

How will Christmas change in 2020

We all know Christmas will be different in 2020 because of the difficult situation we are facing with COVID-19. Some of the things we usually did on this holiday will not be possible due to social distancing. It is essential that we follow safety protocols, but there are still ways we can enjoy some of the Holiday cheer.

One of these things many of us usually do is have a delicious dinner with our family. However, this year it will be more like a "Christmas lunch". Since curfew will make us be locked down before 9:00 PM, make plans for a Christmas brunch,  or a lunch along with family.  Dinner, in my opinion, is what we will miss the most because family and the time we share is important, but we can find ways to share with family regardless. 

The second thing we will miss this Christmas is traveling. Maybe some people don't have the economic possibility to do it, or they planned a trip and but can't go because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Although some of us may dream to go to the Eiffel Tower or Champs Elysées, it will be difficult for that dream to come true, at least this year. Try planning activities with family and close friends that can happen outdoors. Camping and the beach are great options.

The third thing some people will miss is that they would not be with their families because of the lockdown. This will especially affect kids. Children may feel different because of this new way to celebrate Christmas. This is the part where psychologists and parents can help. If your kids feel a little bit confused about changes, what you should probably explain to them is that there is a virus and that we all need to take care of each other. A great activity to do is stay home watching Christmas movies and cuddle up!

Be realistic. these are times to appreciate health, family, and all the small things that make up our great life. Everyone has bad days and if today is one of those days for you, I wish you enjoyed this article. Have a good holiday vacation! Hopefully, 2021 will be a better year. Have a Merry Christmas!

Written by Paula García

6th Grader

December 13, 2020

How to be empathetic to others

Today I’d like to share with you different ways in which you can be empathetic to others, but first I’d like to tell you what empathy is. Empathy is putting yourself in the others’ shoes, trying to understand how they feel. For example, if a friend feels sad, or anxious, you try to calm him down. Try to feel how he’s feeling, try to… understand him. 

Okay! Now that you know what empathy is, I'm going to show you simple ways in which you can be empathetic to others. So, the first thing you need to know is to NEVER laugh or ignore someone when they're crying or you see them down, because then you are definitely NOT being empathetic, and... that’s not nice.

To make it simple, I’ll make a list of other things you could do to be empathetic in this situation:

  • Ask someone how they are feeling if you think there is something wrong

  • Pay attention and listen to them.

  • Try to do something to make them forget what they’re sad about.

  • Think before you speak about what you will say to them. Your friends need your support, and words are very powerful.

I hope you liked these tips on how to be empathetic to others. I hope you also apply them in the future!


“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another.” 

– Alfred Adler

Written by Avril Vélez

6th Grader

December 05, 2020

Things to be thankful for during COVID-19

Gratitude is a way of thinking in life. Many people are going through difficult situations in these moments, such as losing parents, dying of cancer or getting sick from COVID-19. It is essential that we are always thankful for all the things we have, and are able to share with others. 

Today I want to be thankful for all these things and I want to share a lesson of gratitude with the school. These are 7 things that I am thankful for:

  • The internet, because there are people who don’t have internet in their houses, and take class through their radios and TV. It is very difficult to understand that way. I am lucky I get to see my teachers live.

  • My family, because they ARE crazy! I really like them because they are funny. I love them, they are nice too and play jokes on each other. When I am with the family, I want to stay with them. I cannot see them that much because of COVID, but I get to talk to them often. 

  • My friends, because they are like my family. They support me when I need it, they are nice to me and help me get through things I never imagined I would go through.

  • My school, because there are many people working together, like a machine. The whole school works as a team to face this difficult situation. 

  • My teachers, because they try for students to understand lessons and that is very nice, but a difficult thing. They put the effort to teach us virtually, and they do hard work and try really, really, hard to help us understand and be better people in the future. 

  • My pet, Canela, because when I feel down or sad, she tries to play with me and makes me happy.  

  • My life, because I have awesome people involved in it, and they make me happy. 

Everybody needs to be thankful for something every day. You are not alone in these moments. Maybe you might be feeling sad, but you don’t need to keep it all in your heart, because then you will always be sad. You need to be positive, talk to your parents or someone who understands you. Always remember you're not alone. Nobody is alone.

Written by Samantha Aquino

4th Grader